Lesley Nardini is an award-winning international speaker, bestselling author, image consultant, coach, customer service expert, and a newly licensed real estate agent in California. She has spoken to thousands of people around the world, including Fortune 500 companies, in 45 US states and several countries. Her acclaimed books include It’s Not About Customer Service, It’s All About Personal Touch and Keys to a Winning Attitude, 26 Ways to Have a Positive Mindset. She has gone from being an awkward, insecure teenager to a pageant competitor and winner many times over. Lesley was crowned Ms. World Elite when she was 58. At the age of 60, she competed with women aged 45 and over to win the title of Mrs. Classique USA 2021. For her, participating in pageants at this stage of life helps her stay mentally and physically fit, and gives her the opportunity to inspire women of all ages with her message that beauty and vibrancy have no expiration date. She is looking forward to competing for the title of Mrs. Classique Globe in 2022.